Thursday, August 05, 2004

A vacation after the vacation

I have returned from my lovely family trip to the beaches of New Jersey. We were rained-out at the beach for two of the days there, but that was OK with me. Going there every day for 6 or 7 days straight is a little too much for me to handle. All of the preparing the food to bring and getting the kids ready (dressed and lotioned) and trying to find a parking spot and lugging all of the crap we bring across the hot sand and setting it all up and then reversing it all again gets tedious. I know that we're lucky to be able to get away and do this every year, and we always have a great time, but by the end of the week I'm ready to go home.

Now I've started the daunting task of laundry. I hate laundry. I'm infamous for starting laundry and forgetting about it only to return to a washer full of semi-wet clothes that needs to be run through again to get rid of the mildew smell. I would love to have my washer and dryer somewhere on the main floor or upstairs. Part of what sucks about the laundry is lugging it up and down flights of stairs. But the worst part is putting it away. Once I finish washing the laundry, I usually dump it all on my bed to fold, put away, etc. Sometimes it piles up there in big piles of clean clothes and it gets to be bedtime before I get around to finishing the folding, putting away, etc. Then I just swipe it onto the floor on the side of the bed and deal with it in the morning. I know. I'm terrible at housekeeping.

It's now Thursday and we returned home on Monday afternoon and I still have laundry left to do and stuff to put away. At least I got the suitcases and the beach stuff back in the basement. I always feel like I need a vacation after my vacation just to get my life back in order again.


At August 6, 2004 at 8:54 AM, Blogger justrose said...

Why does the shore generate five days worth of laundry when you only go for 2?


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