Sunday, July 25, 2004

My First Blog Ever

What an interesting new world where I can just write what I am thinking and publish it on a web site for anyone to see.  Kinda like a diary, I suppose, but with a twist!  Here I am setting up my Blogger Page and looking over all of the settings and options and I am leaving on vacation tomorrow.  Have I packed a single thing yet?  No.  Is there laundry to do that has been calling to me all morning?  Yes.  Is the house a mess and needs to be cleaned (I HATE returning from vacation to a messy house)?  Yes.  This is typical of me.  As they say, if it wasn't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done.  It's not that I am irresponsible or am undependable.  On the contrary, I am very responsible and dependable and get done what needs to be done.  Motivation, however, eludes me until there is a time pressure that says "DO IT NOW".  When I know that a deadline for something is not imminent, I just put it off.  I never in my life had a school paper or assignment done days (let alone weeks) in advance, no matter how much time we had to complete the work.  If a paper was assigned and was due in a month, and that paper took me 3 days to complete, it was the last 3 days before the due date that all of the work got done.  And I was up to the wee hours on the last night typing it up.  But I always got it done and I always got good grades on my work.

So, I will finish this blog (what a cool word) and go dig out the suitcases from the basement and start the laundry and packing.  We're going to the beach for a week with family.  It's a long standing tradition.  I'll tell you all about it when I get back, if you're lucky (ha ha!).


At July 25, 2004 at 7:46 PM, Blogger justrose said...

I just answered my own question from my blog. Of course you're going to the shore -- now I just need to guess whether it's LB or CM. I hope you have a great time. Your blog is very cute and so YOU!
Love, jr

At July 25, 2004 at 7:49 PM, Blogger justrose said...

ps I'm linking you!


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